Monday, 29 September 2008
Sunday, 28 September 2008
when i got into work today one of the chillers had popped its cloggs and water was everywhere. it was my fun fun job to mop it up.

ill post up in a few days mangsdems...write something in the guestbook, see you later!
Monday, 22 September 2008
thursday night i was supporting the www . generation at the shed. they played really well, and it was there last gig for a while, because danny (far left) is off to uni sooni.
now when getting people to send media message pictures in the radio station, he was like "chippys, sparkies, all the grafters, doing real jobs send us your pictures". and i just thought you tosser. when was the last time you hung a door vernon? stop trying to sound all working class and down with the boys. aswell as this, because it is the time of year when everyone is travelling to uni, he was getting them to phone in.
also, when talking on the phone to a electrician he was all like "yeah yeah, them student tax dodgers." and all this, trying to come across like a right pubby lad. he is such a fucking twat.
another thing what really does my fucking head in is the way he thinks tess daily is the fittest girl ever. he was on about how he likes girls wearing mens boxers, and he was like, "oooh yes, i like seeing tess strutting her stuff about in a pair of my ck's...pwoar, imagine it boys, save it up." as if she is top of the list to run through your head next time your boshing one off. fucking gormy stictly come dancing dickhead.
sammy took me for a wicked mcdonalds yesterday up food court. i aint been there since ive been back from my holiday, it was like, yes bisshhhhhh im home.
after this, although i forgot to get a flick (!) i played football with a load of the lads down riverside field. it was a good match, but it got a bit dark and cold! later that night i met up with dan and kyle, and we went odeon to see tropic thunder. before it there was a really inspiring nike advert with loads of clips of athletes running over the finish line in slow motion.
tropic thunder was the most fucking embarasing shite ive seen in a very, very long time. literally, it made us all giggle about twice in the whole film. jack black is the most unfunny wastemaaan. it was really weird, cause all the shots were like it was a bare action film, but it was meant to be a comedy. it was just really really shite.
we chilled down great central for a bit. after dan went in his, me and kyle sat on dans front wall and chatted for a while. it got late (or early) and we called it a night (or day.)
burst on to the british t.v scene a little while ago as a proper prospect and was really quiet cool in his day. now a just fucking hate him. he takes all the bad parts of richard hammonds face and times them by ten. he is like a bare favourite with the mums, and he has got him self down as a right hunk. i seen him on friday night with jonathon ross or something a little while ago, and when he came out, a load of the woman were wolf whisling and that, and he was well smug. these ridiculously over-expresionate faces he pulls when fighting a darlic! ah wicked! now i understand that dr who is ofcourse a fictional character, but part of my thing is the people who like it, they are ALL dickheads. grow up, leave it in the past. stand back and see how fucking embarrasing this shit is, its for little babies. sci fi? fuck off. i wish it just stayed in the past.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
first of all, you know when you go on to myspace, and the "cool new people" pop up? i seen george (who by the way is online now) just chilling, looking deep into me. what you know about georges style then?
i watched some maury round billys house with him and arnie (inset). incase you dont know, its just like a ghetto, better version of jemery kyle. sometimes, when the dads find out that some blast from the past come back with a little nipper saying "you are the dad!" and they aint, the bloke love it. (check the video below)
in this episode, the woman on screen named kenya was backing her man, i forgot his name, in his claims that this other womans daughter wasnt his. ofcourse it was, and now kenya and the other woman are best mates, and this guy is just a dickhead.
we also watched this one where some woman came clean to her bloke that she had been sleeping with his cousin for 2 years, and that this mans 9 month old daughter wasnt his. cool as fuck he took a minute, came back on stage, moved his chair over to the other side of the stage.
she looked over and told her not to look at him, she didnt. then laury asked him "look, im gong to have to ask you one thing; thats your not going to be violent to la tricia?". he looked back at him and said "maury, if i ever have to lay hands on a woman, its for a good reason".
have you seen this bullshit in one of sammys woman magazines? have you seen what they are filling their heads with?
them lot all go the other way off the field, so i walked back upto sammys. as i walked near narborough road, i saw this guy. he was walking along, singing a bit under his breath in another language whilst making hand gerstures. he had a t-shirt with a really crap photo print of some asian guru or something. he had wicked curtains too.i went town with sammy and we went around the new highcross. there are some good shops.
i met a man and a woman who are making a documentary about braunstone, and the way it has change over the years. its only a short film, that is sort of in light of this 1980's documentary that went out on ITV painting braunstone as a shithole. i think they want me to take a series of photographs showing the positive side of braunstone.
in the meeting, me and the man (nick) got talking about birdman, and as i left there company, on my way to the bank i seen him walking backwards, with alot of people looking at him and that. he was in a trance.i dont know if im right in this, but why is it called a "litter bin"? i thought littering was not putting something in the bin, or can you even put litter in a bin, because does it become litter when you dont put it in the bin? if you put somehting in a bin, its not litter, its just like a wrapper off your sandwhich, or a empty can or something? do you agree? am i right?
in other news, i went to see pineapple express with sammy. danny mcbride, the guy on the far right isnt one of the main two characters, but he is so so so funny in it. i read a well accurate review in the paper that sums up exactly what i thought. 3 stars, bordering 4 because of loads of quotable one liners, but it goes on for atleast 25 minutes too much, and the action side of things was swag. but it was really really funny.
i have never really like this pair, even in year four when everyone was feeling the two of a kind flex thinking "yeah they are bare fit", i never really jumped on that. they are both well well twiggy and rediculously american, but mary kate is the worst. she is renouned as a bare fashion head, but she dresses like a cunt, and is always in a 'battle' with anna, rex and ian. put some weight on, and stop doing my fucking head in.