kyle is turning into dappy more and more everytime i see him. last time i saw him, he was wearing massive glasses and even i was taller than him. he keeps ringing me and freestyling down the line.
these are the same people who buy either a porn mag or something like the daily star and scatter it across the road and pavement.
but then as the day wore on, i realised what an annoying prick the driver was. he just never fucking shut up. he was talking that much that he kept missing turnings on the sat nav. he was proper stupid too. as he left the depo, he was supposed to be heading for wigston, and turned onto the motorway! i told him this cannot be the right way, and he realised he had put northampton into the sat nav. fuuucking hell. he spoke at me. so much so, that after i gave up on just sitting there and perfectly timing going "yeah.... yeah....really....yeah" i played a game where i stayed silent for as long as i could. it was 12 minutes (12 fucking minutes!!!) before he asked a question or said something that prompted resonce.
also, he was a really really shit driver. kept stalling, and trying to take off in 3rd gear. when we got to foxton boating locks late that day, they told us that they didnt want to delivery until 2, so we had to wait around for an hour. i thought rather than listen to this bloke talking at me i would go for a walk. it was so cold by that time, and i only had my t-shirt on.
and i dont like country weirdos. CITY. fucking villagers. when he went to do the delivery for them we had to load up this wheel barrow and wheel it over a lock with a little footpath and down this hill. i was thinking, its not the fucking 17th century.
there was this drippy lad who worked there, only about 22, 23 years old and he just had no will to live. nothing about him. every single day working, seeing the same 20 people who come for lunch in his cafe, next to the canal. thats it. no new faces ever. how fucking boring. i overheard him talking to some old bloke and you could just tell from his minimal responces that this was not what he wanted to be doing.
fuck the country, fuck villages, and fuck the weird village folk. send me a city anyday.
big news out in the country.
however, after that we went to the highcross for a few drinks and it was really good fun! i felt so tired the next morning, but it was a proper cool night in the end.
in the way that some of you might have before, i watched some tv the other night. i realised this advert was still running. why? i can think of two reasons. one is that swiftcover landed the services of iggy pop and thought yeah,. we should use him, and the nation loves it, so the advert is still running and swiftcover iunsurance are doing better than ever.
or they hate everyone and want to punish them, then when you take out insurance with them, you get a special cheat code to enter into your t.v so that you dont have to watch that advert anymore.
either way, it does not change the fact that iggy is a rank, old, hair cut needing, fake tan, put your fucking body away, grandad, anorexic fucking wasteman, and needs to be shot. fuck off our t.v's you annoying, american twat.
like i said earlier, some drawings going up soon, maybe sunday. see you later
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