Friday 6 September 2013


So I spent a week in July out in Melton Mowbray at the house of Leicestershire artist Debbie Bird collaborating on a project for Sainsbury's. There is a new store opening up in Melton and they've commissioned a piece of artwork that is going to be 4 metres wide and 2 metres tall for the side of the building. I received good news yesterday that the Melton Borough Council have approved the artwork and it is going to be going into commission.  

All week long me and Debbie were working on a concept that we came up with, and that concept is for the artwork to be an entire landscape focused around a park that is in the middle of Melton, with all local monuments and sights in this scene around the park. The park is to be busy with people with loads going on, and everything in the entire scene is to be made from fresh fruit and veg.

We were chopping and slicing veg all week, laying out characters on perspex sheets and photographing them from a light box, so they were illuminated. Sadly, the project isn't finished yet, but here are some photos that sum up how I spend my week out in Melton, working in Debbie Bird's studio for Sainsbury's!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic Sam, love it. We had a great week. Looking forward to getting those images in situ on the final artwork. Will keep you posted