Happy new year everyone! i hope last night was very good fun and that you all have a brilliant year this year. here is a review of what happened over the course of last year.
the whole charlie sheen thing started to happen, Leicester played man city in the cup and the auditorium was rapidly becoming a pretty good venue. this was a relatively slow month.
i dont think anything good happened in february. people were still wearing the green and gold man united tops in protest, i spent most of the month playing grand theft auto san andreas and went to an amazing night at the auditorium, some reggae night with musical youth and dawn penn.
i ate so many jars of nutella in march. pancake day was sick, i did my day in 85 photos, probably my favourite wicked-land post from last year. max was driving too.
we had mental hot weather in april. the royal wedding happened, i had a lovely barbecue party at mine, and i think april was when natalie's cooking started to go properly properly mental. also lion bar cereal dropped.
may was a super busy good fun month. we had a sick night in leeds, hof started working at booker which had its big move around, we had an unreal night out at franks restaurant, dan came home from new zealand and i finished uni.
It didnt stop raining the whole of june. john went away to egypt and hof and kelly hosted a hose party that was really good fun.
july was personally the best month of last year for me. aside from buying an xbox 2nd had that instantly red ringed and has not been used since, i went to portugal on holiday with jamie and global gathering with a whole bag of us. also, big johns opened and disappointed.
in august we had the riots, (it doesnt seem that long ago does it?) summer sundae with mcfly, my mum made a side dinner one night and arsenal got fucking rolled on my manchester united with a full time result of 8-2.
i think september deserves the critics choice award and is a close contender for month of the year. it was bike ride season, and we had the first wicked-land bike ride to loughborough. more bike riding, i finished working at booker after 6 years, started working at rockstar promotions, and peri peri opened in town.
we rolled to the rinse fm 17th b-day party in london, had a wicked birthday part for kyle where we set off a load of fireworks, had a good fun halloween party for natalie's birthday and i worked the leicester uni freshers fair, that was well good fun.
we went to the fireworks celebrations at abby park, went to the x factor, i went to see dave gorman with max, my ipod broke and deleted everything off itself and frank introduced me to the best thing ever, these little polish peanut butter and nutella treats.
in late november blake and kirsty had a little baby girl, so we went to meet her, i went to the work christmas fancy dress party dressed as jesus, got embarrassingly pissed out of my face, lord of the mics 3 dropped, natalie made me one of the best dinners of the year, this homemade carbonara and we had our annual lads christmas dinner round my flat.

it was a massive, massive year for wicked-land last year, generating well over 35,000 hits for the year. it may not sound like a great deal in comparison with other blogs, but for a personal lifestyle blog i simply cannot believe so many people have been following.
i just wanna thank every single person who supports so, so much, i really love writing my blog and i'm so glad that you people continue to read and support. i hope you carry on reading and enjoying wicked-land!