Friday 29 January 2016



So the big popular culture news this week is that Wiz Khalifa and Kanye West had a spat on twitter. Amber Rose stuck her egg head in and since her comments regarding Kanye enjoying a finger in his ass people are saying Kanye took the L on this one. Respectfully if you think I'm going to run Kanye on here then you're reading the wrong blog.

I go into more detail on the whole thing in the forthcoming podcast, but until then let's focus on Wiz Khalifa. The Black Mac Miller is one of those rappers that people who are not reeeeally into rap music and culture adore. Don't get my wrong he's got a couple of sturdy tracks, We Dem Boyz is veeeery essential on any turn up playlist, not to mention some of his mixtape stuff still gets a forward. But you have to remember this soft cunt is the poster boy for people who follow those parody accounts on twitter that make subliminal digs at peoples exes and talk about 'keeping a small circle'.

He forces that same put on stoner laugh on every track he's on, never really ever has any hot lines and has a nose ring. Kanye nailed it when he said nobody has ever listened to one of his albums all the way through. That's so true. Even people who like him aren't fanatical about him. He's just making up the numbers. Also how old is this guy? Like well into his 20s right? Is there anything cornier than people bragging about smoking weed? That loser Snoop is still at it in his 70s and that seems to be the way Wiz is going. He's not for me.

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